Monday, March 30, 2009

It IS Broken

Well we went to the Ortho Doc today and at first he said that it wasn't too bad but we were gonna put on a cast for 2 weeks to protect the joint and prevent further damage. The Ortho doc was great and Dylan was pretty excited to get a cast. We kept teasing him that he was going to get a Hot Pink cast....he refused. I am sure that you all can guess what color he did chose...of course GREEN! As we made the follow up for 2 weeks to get the cast off and new pictures of the elbow...the doc came out and told us that they reviewed the x-rays and determined that the break was worse than they thought...they now think that it involves a bit of the growth plate. We will have the cast on for 6 weeks and then go from there. We go back next week to have it looked at again. So Dylan is trying to learn to write with a long arm cast on and he is having so much fun hitting the cast on EVERYTHING! Brent got his first set of spacers today. Next week they will take those out and put on bands and then put another set of spacers on for another week for the other bands around the back teeth. I am really suprised that he is able to eat so well...well maybe I am not so surprised...HA HA. OK...enough for today. Hope all of you are well!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Student of Month and maybe a broken arm

Hey all. So on Friday, Brent and I could not have been prouder of Dylan. He won Student of the Month for his awesome work at school and improvements made. We took him out for dinner at the place of his choice and then came home. Dylan went outside to play with his friends and returned shortly crying a bit. Dylan decided to show off for one of the girls in his class and got up on the back of a bench and fell off onto his arm. We took him to the ER and the X-ray showed that there was blood in the elbow joint. The radiologist and ER doc stated that meant that there was probably a break somewhere. They put on a fiberglass splint and we are slated to see Orthopedics on Monday morning to find out if he gets a real cast. I will keep you posted. It was an exhausting weekend. Dylan was on Tylenol with Codeine at night and was in pain until today when his arm magically healed or something. We have been working on his birthday party which will be on Friday at Chuck E Cheese's. Yah Hoo. I am glad we didn't go with bowling again! Well for Brent and I, things are well. Brent gets his spacers tomorrow to start his process for braces. He is not very excited, but I think it may help him out in the long run. I am still loving my new job. I am a bit frustrated that I can't do everything because of the baby...but they have been very supportive and keep me busy enough. Well, speaking of which, I have to get to bed so that I can get up in the morning. I hope all is well with everyone. I will try to post tomorrow night after we find out if his arm is really broke or not. Crash Jr is in full swing now!

Friday, March 13, 2009

13 weeks and counting

Sorry it has taken so long to get something posted on here. We have been going to many doctors appts and everything is looking well. We saw the Fetal Maternal Specialist up in Sacramento and he didn't tell us anything that we didn't know already. I am glad to not have to go back there again. I am still being followed by the Urologist and the Hematologist/Oncologist and of course the OB clinic. We saw OB on Wed and the heart beat was heard for the first time and it was around 150 bpm. Pretty cool to hear it for the first time. I have gained one pound in the past month and it seems that I am showing more than I remember with Dylan this early on. Dylan is doing wonderful. We just had our parent-teacher conference last week and he has made leaps and bounds with his reading. He is no longer in the special reading class and is at or beyond his grade level reading. We just have to work on his handwriting...but that will come. We are just so pround of the work he has been doing with his school work. Dylan has been doing really well with his braces. I will get some more pictures of that soon and post them. He has an appointment to get his wires changed next Tues, so we will see if he goes with green bands again or something different! Brent has been really busy with work. He is doing really well and I know the other First Sergeant is extremely thankful for all of his hard work. When Brent is not hard at work, he is hard at work here at home helping with everything! He has been so supportive and understanding with everything. My nausea and exhaustion is getting better, but while it was really bad, he took care of everything...He is truly my best friend and a wonderful man!
On a lighter note...I believe that on Monday I will be starting my new job at the base hospital in interventional radiology! I am so excited to finally be working again and the department seems so happy to be having me come to work there! For now...I best get going. My son has a sleepover tonight and my husband is taking me on a DATE!!!!!!!!! YAH HOOOOOOO. Hope all is well with you all. I will try to keep up with this a bit better now that things are moving along!