Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Pop and Mae Visit and Thanksgiving

Hello everyone. Here are more pictures of our last visitors for a bit...Pop and Mae'. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving with them and we had some of the students from x-ray over also. Dylan is doing a wonderful job at football and is looking forward to Christmas break from School. Brent is getting back into the swing of things in X-ray. We are so glad that he off of the special duty and home more often again! Work is going well for me. I am really enjoying being back after everything. I have followed up with the surgeon and I will have more scans and blood work in April to check to make sure the tumor hasn't come back. I am feeling stronger every day and we praise the Lord that it has all been taken care of. Jonathan is growing like a weed! He was 12lbs at 3 months and 23 inches long! We are really enjoying watching the boyz grow together and they both keep us very busy! Well I want to get this posted. I will try to post more later. We hope that you are all doing well. I know that we are all going to be very busy with the Christmas season and all...but I want to remember to stop and just think about how very blessed we all are! I know we have had an abundance of blessings just in this past year! Take care and we will post more later. All of our love

Friday, November 13, 2009

I know...stop with the pics

Here are more pictures that I had on my phone and wanted to share. Hope you checked out the 150 I just posted before these. I just can't help myself. HA HA.

2 months

So much has happened since I last posted. Jonathan is growing at an awesome speed. At his 2 month check, he was 10 lbs 2 oz and 22 inches long. We just took him the other day for a check for his tummy and he was 10 lbs 9 oz. His tummy is fine, but he has reflux and started on Zantac. He is doing so much better now that he has his medicine! You will see in the pictures that he has also started daycare. We have him in a very small home daycare for the time being. We are on the waiting list for the Child Developement Center on base. We will see. Dylan is doing really well in school. He is working really hard and has been a HUGE help here at home. He helps us with the housework and with his Brother all of the time. We are so blessed to have him. Jonathan is so lucky to have the best Big Brother EVER! Dylan had his first football game last Saturday. He was really excited that his Daddy could be here this year for it. His Brother, Aunt Cindy, Presley and Dad all watched him make 2 out of the 3 touchdowns (one was an interception) and 3 "tackles" (pulled flags). The important thing is that he seemed to be having a GREAT time. As you all know, my Big Sister Charice was here for almost a month. I don't know what we ever did without her before. She was such a HUGE help. She watched the baby when I went back to work. She would send me pictures of him throughout the day to make it a bit better. She had dinner on the table every night for us and all while homeschooling Joe and dealing with Scott being back in Alaska for most of the time. When Scott came back down, he was the chef and Charice picked up cleaning the house for us. Now I think I need a nanny, cook, and housekeeper. Ha ha. Honestly, it was so wonderful to have her here and we are blessed that she will be living in Nebraska...the closest we have lived since before she left for the military! I hope to get to spend a lot more time with her in the future! We were able to take Charice and Joe to Santa Cruz Boardwalk, Jelly Belly Factory, and San Francisco. I think that they enjoyed it. The Boys even got to go trick or treating together. Grandma and Aunt Gigi and Uncle Larry came down for Trick or treat weekend and Aunt Sue flew in to pick up Grandma to take her back home! It was wonderful to get to see them all again! They only stayed the weekend, but it was nice to have them here when Charice was also here! You also know that I had my surgery to remove the tumor on my kidney. Everything went very well. The surgeon is sure he got all of the tumor. Unfortunately the pathology came back that the tumor was Cancer..Renal Cell Carcinoma. The great news is that is was very early and not aggressive, no chemo or radiation as of right now and it is gone. Thank God for great doctors, prayers and family and friends. Charice left after I got out of the hospital and Cindy (Brent's sister) and her daughter Presley (18 months) came in that night. Kaci and Katelynn (3yrs old) came in last Sunday. We had a wonderful time with all of the cousins together for the first time. They didn't stay very long and I was down for the count most of the time, but we did make it to Build a Bear and to a Winery! Unfortunately they all had to leave on Tues to head back to Washington. We are looking forward to Brent's parents coming in next week. I hope that you enjoy the pics. I am going to post another set of pictures that are from my phone that span the past two months and I just wanted to show you how much the boyz have changed. Thank you again for all of your thoughts and prayers. They have worked. We send our love to all of you. (I also have pics of my birthday in Carmel by the Sea and Brent and Dylan's Boat, "Momma's Dingy")

Monday, September 28, 2009

4 weeks

I can't believe that it has been 4 weeks since our lives were forever changed and made so much better! It has been a whirlwind of excitement and craziness. Dad and Grandma came to visit and it was great to get to see them and spend some time with them. Aunt Gigi and Uncle Larry came down to pick up Grandma and I haven't seen them since 2004 and this was a wonderful quick visit. We hope to get up to Medford to visit them a lot in the future. After Dad left, Mom came in the next day and it was great to have her here. She helped with the boyz, cleaned the house, did laundry, and was supportive when I felt like pulling out my hair. Mom gave me time to sleep and get rested before everyone left and Brent went back to work. We went to the Exploratorium in San Fran with mom and Dylan loved it. It is a hands on science museum and we all had fun playing. We didn't do as much sight seeing this you can guess why. It was just really relaxing for me and I really appriciated it! Mom left and Brent had to go back to work. The good news is that he is back in X-ray. He seems a lot happier and is getting home at a better time in the evening. The baby is doing great. He had lost weight after going home. He was down to 5lbs 4oz and then 5lbs 9oz a week after going home. At his 2 week check up he was up to 6lbs 6oz! We were so happy! The doctor said that she couldn't find anything wrong with him...he is healthy and strong. We don't go back until 2 months old. We did hit a small snag the past week. Brent and I got the stomach flu and unfortunately the baby got sick also. He has had a tummy ache all week and is finally getting to the end of it I think. I was scared that we had another Colic baby...but I think he just had a bug. Dylan is still loving being the big brother. He is so helpful and loving. He has had a few problems listening at home...but we are working thru it all. It is an adjustment for all of us and we expected that he would need some extra time and attention...and we are trying our best. Dylan is really doing pretty great considering everything. As far as I am concerned...things are going good. I had another CT done and the tumor hasn't changed. My doctor has scheduled the surgery for part of my kidney and the tumor to be removed on Nov 2nd. I am anxious to have it over and done with. My sister Charice will be getting here on Oct 11th and staying for about a month on her way to Nebraska. I am glad she will be here when I have my surgery. Cindy, Presley, Kaci, and Katelynn will be here around the first or second week of Nov also. Things are going to be crazy around here for awhile again. I will try to blog more often and keep pictures coming of the boyz as much as I can. I hope to go back to work on the 14th of October and work until I have my surgery. I am really missing work...but it is going to be SOOOOO hard to leave my little man. Pray that he continues to grow and be healthy, that Dylan will continue to love his new role and his life, and that Brent and I continue to be so blessed by the greatest family in the world! Love to you all! Enjoy the pictures

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Jonathan is HERE!

Per last blog, we saw the perinatalogist on Monday. She was quite surprised to see us. I guess it was just assumed that we were going to be induced on Monday morning. The specialist did the ultrasound and said that the baby was small, but he looked healthy. She still recommended that we went ahead in the next day or so to be induced. She thought that it would be safer for the baby and for myself. She was concerned that I was on blood thinners and wanted a more controlled delivery. Brent and I agreed and went back to the base to be induced. We hung out in L&D for awhile and then they sent us home until my blood thinner was out of my system. We returned to L&D at about 5:30pm and they started the IV and drew labs. Dylan went to a friend's house for the evening and we started this wonderful journey. At 8pm they started the Pitocin. I was not looking forward to that part...but it wasn't too first. I talked to anesthesia about getting an epidural and they told me that I had to wait and earn it. I was up for the challenge. Every half hour the nurse turned the Pitocin up. By 11pm, I was having contractions every 1-2min and I was hurting pretty bad. I was afraid that I was being a wimp and that it was too early to ask for an epidural...but I did it. The nurse went and got anesthesia and she checked me. I was really disappointed when she said I was only at about 4cm. Anesthesia started an epidural that was in a vascular space and had to take it back out. They started another one and it worked everywhere except in a small circle on the right. It was now 12midnight. Anesthesia told me to roll onto my right side to try to bask the nerve to try to cover the area. I rolled onto my side and my water broke. I was so glad that they weren't going to have to do it. Brent went and told the nurse...she checked and confirmed. She told me to call her if I felt any pressure. Five minutes later I sent Brent to tell her that I had pressure. The nurse came in rolling her eyes. She checked me and told me not to push...I was crowning. She ran and got the doctor. I pushed a few times and Jonathan was born at 1230am. He is perfect. He had some slight problems with low blood sugar, but he is fine now. We know that all of the prayers have showered this little man and kept him in God's hands. Jonathan was 5lbs 12oz and 18inches long. He is so tiny as you can see by the pics. Dylan is the proudest BIG Brother that has ever lived. He was telling the nurses how to hold his brother. They took Jonathan to the nursery to do an assessment and hearing test and Dylan was pacing in the room. Brent asked him what was wrong and he said, "it just isn't right, one of us should be with my brother...have you even SEEN the room where they took him?" When Brent took Dylan home for the night, Dylan said, "it is just not right not having Jonathan with us here...we need him with us". He is starting to wonder if Brent and I know what we are doing. I assured him that we have done this once before and we think we did an OK job. Ha ha. Well, all of the tests they have run so far have come back good. He is doing wonderful. I am feeling OK. Jonathan has his days and nights I am super tired...but we will figure it out. We got to come home this evening and we are so happy. We go tomorrow to pick up my dad and grandma....then they leave on Monday and my mom gets in on Tues. We are going to have company for the next few months. We are thanking God for a wonderfully healthy, beautiful little man. If you are wondering...I will be calling now and trying to get my surgery scheduled for about 2 months from now. I have my silver lining to this story already...but please keep the prayers have all gotten us this far. Well, I am getting my shift for sleep. I will try to post more often since I will be home for the next few weeks. Thank you again for all of your prayers and gifts. I will be getting the thank you notes out soon. Our love and prayers go out to all of you also. We pray that God blesses you as much as he has blessed us. Love, Crystal, Brent, Dylan, Jonathan, and Shadow

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Baby Shower

So we made it to the baby shower. As some as you know...we may be having the baby earlier than expected. The last appt the doctor found out that the baby is not growing properly and there may be something wrong with the umbilical cord. Brent and I am going to go to see a Perinatologist on Monday (tomorrow) to get a second opinion before we allow them to induce me tomorrow afternoon or sometime shortly there after. Thank you for all of your prayers. Keep them coming. It may be a long road ahead of us with the appt and the birth. We pray that the baby is healthy whenever he comes into this world. Anyways...we did make it to the babyshower. It was a great time. We had a good turnout with great friends and we got a lot of really great things. I am going to keep this short. Tomorrow is going to be a really long day and I still have to pack a bag just in case. I have included some pics of the baby shower, the boyz rooms and future razorback shirt that I had from when I was pregnant with Dylan. Please once again...keep the prayers coming. We will let you all know as soon as we know something. Hope all is well with you all. Love, Crystal and the Boyz

Sunday, August 23, 2009

School has Started..YA HOO

Hey everyone. So not a lot has been going on...but here is where we are. The baby and I have made it farther than Dylan and I did. We are now 36weeks and 4 days today! I have been feeling quite a bit more tired...but otherwise pretty good. I am still working full time...although everyone at work treats me with white gloves and baby's me wayyyyyy too much. The baby has dropped quite a bit...but I still hope and think we have a while to go. Next weekend is my baby shower thrown by a girl at work that I am friends with. She has threatened me that I have to wait until that is over to have this baby. I hope he doesn't try to get me into trouble. HA HA.
So this week has been pretty good. Brent is still on First Shirt duty..even though they said he would be done on Wed. They are now saying that this coming Friday is the last day. I sure hope so. He took Thurs and Friday off to site his gun and go hunting for deer. He didn't get anything...but he is also staying close to town...just in case. I think he just needed a break from work and such. Dylan started 3rd grade on Thurs. WOW! Where did the time go? He really seems to like his teacher...she told him to wait a few weeks until he decided. HA HA. I am not very happy that they have 28 students in the class. They have cut the budget so bad here. I guess education is not very important in California. But Dylan's teacher seems to have things under control and we just have to hope and pray that he will get what he needs out of this year!
My favorite thing that we did this week was to go and get family pics done with the baby bump. I wished we would have done it a bit sooner. My face and ankles/feet have really swollen in the past week or two...but I am just glad that we got it done. It was such a beautiful experience and I have to admit...I cried a bit when I saw the pics...but then again...the photographer and one of the other girls there also teared up a bit too! I posted the pics that we had to chose from...Grandparents...we have some in frames coming to you all with the extras in a book. Don't try to download off of here please. We also have a CD and we can get reprints or more prints ordered very easy if we need/want. Siblings...we have some coming for you also...whether you want them or not. HA HA. Anyways...hope you all enjoy them. I am so excited to take the baby back to these people when he comes to have more. They did such a fantastic job! The photographer has already started planning the next pics. Anyways...I best get going. Hope you enjoy the pics and I pray that you all are just as happy and blessed as we feel right now! Love to all

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Getting Closer

I know it has been a bit of time since I have blogged AGAIN! Sorry. Things are just going so well. I have been working and so has Brent. Dylan is enjoying his summer at the Youth Center. He has gone on two movie field trips, two hiking field trips for his "ology" club that his is in. That is a club about pretty much the you know he LOVES it. They went to Mt Diablo and to a Rock Center where they had fossils and rocks and such. Then he has gone to a museum and he is going to another one next week. They have really kept him busy. He starts back to school I believe on Aug 20th. We have been staying busy getting the room set up for guests and the baby. We have gotten the baby's crib set and stroller/carseat combo. The girls at work are throwing me a baby shower on the 29th of Aug. They keep telling me that I better not have the baby before that...ha ha. The weather has been just wonderful. It has rarely hit 100 degrees this summer, which makes it nice for me to be able to get out and have some fun. We spent all of the 4th of July running around. We went to the parade in the morning, then over to the fair, then home for a nap, then to the Demolition Derby. Dylan LOVED that. I have always liked to go and Brent and I wanted to share that with him. He was screaming....he couldn't believe that they were actually hitting each other on purpose! It was so cool to watch him watch that! Then we made it to Suisun City to the Harbor just in time for fireworks. It was a really nice family day! Since then we have gone to see Frank and Lynette, we went to Santa Cruz to ride the steam train at Roaring Camp thru the Redwood Forest and then off to the boardwalk for dinner and games. We have been shopping quite a bit when Brent has to stay close...or I sleep a lot on the weekends to catch up from the busy weeks! This past Friday we went to Redwood City to sit with Frank's family while Tina, his mom, had open heart surgery. She did wonderfully and is on the road to recovery. Thank you to all of you who prayed for her...I know it helped! Well I guess that is it...pretty much. The baby is getting am I. We are really excited to see him and hold him. The doctors say that everything is going very well. I will have an appt this Wed. to check on the baby and myself...but I suspect it will be just as quick as the last visit was. This little man is in no hurry to come into this world...I think he thinks he will just take up permanent residence...ha ha. Oh well...all in good time. Best get going. Hope all is well with everyone. Hugs to you and yours!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Summer Pics and Happenings

Hey Everyone,
I know it has been a lot longer this time. We are just so busy with work and trying to get out and have fun that I haven't had much time to do this. Sorry for the overload of pics to look at. This is about 2 months of us out wondering around California checking out cool places to visit with you all when you come to visit!
The first of the pics is from Sutter Mill. This is the first place that Gold was discovered in California sparking the "Gold Rush". We went to gold pan and looked around for a while. It was really neat. The next day we decided to go to San Francisco to the Zoo. It was wonderful! It was sooooo cool and the animals were all out! There are some pics of when my wonderful husband finally got the recognition that we all feel he deserves by getting Senior Non-commissioned Officer of the Year! The next pics are when we went to visit Frank and Lynnett and got to go to a Portuguese bull fight. Dylan got hit in the butt by the baby bull and it was soooo funny. He got right back up and went back out. The bull got him again later! That was probably the last time we will see them before their baby is born. Lynnett is due one month before me! Next is Brent getting his Father's Day gifts and then our awesome day at the NASCAR race! Brent got us tickets for free from Big O Tires to sit in their private box with other military families. They gave us money to get souvenirs, catered breakfast and lunch and we saw Tom and Katie! It was the most fantastic day. We got to go to the pits and everything! Finally we went to Bodega Bay last weekend because it was so hot here in the valley. We thought it would be cool. We had a wonderful day...but got FRIED! We stopped on the way home at a winery that had animals and was a beautiful spot.
Not much happening here. Dylan is enjoying being out of school for the summer. Brent is at work most of the time, but has been trading weekends with the other Fist Shirt so that we can take some family time. I still love my job. We have been really busy and I have helping out in the GI Clinic with sedations until they get more nurses! The baby is growing as you can tell by the pictures. I feel HUGE!!! I have a doctor's appt this coming Tues in Oncology and Wednesday in OB/GYN. I am sure all is well. I have been feeling much better...just really tired. The baby is not a fan of letting me sleep at night and I can't wait to get my bladder back! The baby moves all over the place and Dylan giggles when his brother kicks him! He probably won't find it funny in a few months when his brother is here! Well this has been long enough. Thank you to all in OH that prayed for our Niece Presley. She came thru her surgery just wonderfully and back to her spit fire ways! I hope all is well with everyone. Once again...I will try to post more often.....
All of our love to all of you!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Almost 6 months!!!!

Hey All,
Sorry it's been so long again. There is so much to tell you about. Let's see. We took a trip about 1.5 hour away a few weekends ago to go to the Bass Pro Shop. It was really neat. Then we went to Dixon May Fair. It is the closest we can find to a county fair around here. It was so hot that we didn't last too long. I did get some yummy fair food and Dylan played some games. Because he still had his cast on...he was not allowed to ride the rides, but he wasn't too upset! I guess that was Mother's Day we did the Fair. Then we have been up in Napa a lot lately. It is cooler up there and so beautiful this time of year. I have some pics of the fair, a winery in Napa, Dylan at his open house at school, Bass Pro Shop, and Dylan putting his little brother's bed together (which was his bed too!). The last really cool thing was that we went and got one of those 3D/4D Ultrasounds done! It was really neat and they gave us a website that you all can go and look at the pics that we got! We also get to go back at 30 weeks and get more pics done. They also gave us a disk with the entire US on it in motion! Dylan got to hear the heartbeat for the first time and see his little brother move around! If you get a chance, go see the is . I have also attached some pics here so that you can get a sneak peak! It is so awsome! Anyways...for anyone who cares...we have finally gotten a registry started at Baby's R Us. You can look into it if you would like. Anyways, let me get going. Hopefully everyone had a great, relaxing, and safe Holiday weekend. Let us not forget all of those who have given their lives for our freedom and those in harms way now. We pray for all of our Brothers and Sisters in the Services and for their families! Take care and God Bless

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Hey all,
Sorry so long again...but finally good news! Dylan got his cast off today! Brent looked at the films and it is healing! We have to take it easy...but he can finally take a shower without a bag over his arm, go in the sprinkler with the neighbor kids, go on rides at the park and so on. We get out summer fun back! Now let us pray that Dylan can keep safe and not break anything else for a very long time! I have pics from mother's day, the Dixon May Fair and some other things that I will post soon. Hope all is going well for all of you. We see the OB/GYN doc tomorrow and I will update with pics and more info later this week. Love to all.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Well everyone...we are going to have another boy! I have attached the Ultrasound pics. We were sorta hoping for a girl...for Brent to have his little princess...but we are both happy that the baby appears to be very healthy and growing just fine. I will keep this short so that I can get it posted. I will write more this weekend hopefully.

Sucking his thumb.

Smart little man...thinking with his hand under his chin.

Top pic is to prove that he is a boy.

Second pic???

Last one is front view of his face with mouth wide open. Looks like a scary movie!

Our calm (finally) little man.

Well that is all for now. Hope you all are doing well. Thank you for the prayers...The little men are all doing very well. Take care and God Bless you all!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Dylan's Birthday and Easter

Sorry it has been so long. Things are going really well. Dylan is on cast #3. The doctor's aren't sure if the arm is healing...but we will keep an eye on it! Brent got his braces on this week and is a bit sore, but looks really cute! Dylan's birthday went really well. We had a great turn out and hopefully our last party at Chuck E Cheeses for a few years! I think he was spoiled rotten like usual and had a great time with his friends. I had the Ultra sound for the kidney last week and the tumor has not grown and I talked to the Urologist and he is still going to do the surgery about 2 months after the baby is born. We have the Ultrasound for the baby this Thurs. We hope to find out the sex of the baby at that time! I went to the doctor last week and I have gained 3 pounds since getting pregnant. They wanted me to have gained more...but they are happy that I am just not losing weight. Everything is going well for us. The weather is getting pretty hot pretty quick and Dylan is looking forward to getting his cast off so that he can go swimming with the other kids. Work is going well for Brent and I both. I really enjoy being back to work with patients. Dylan is doing a wonderful job at school and is looking forward to the summer break. I will try to keep up on this better. I know I keep saying that...but I really am trying. Take care and God bless. Thank you for all of your prayers...they are really felt!

Monday, March 30, 2009

It IS Broken

Well we went to the Ortho Doc today and at first he said that it wasn't too bad but we were gonna put on a cast for 2 weeks to protect the joint and prevent further damage. The Ortho doc was great and Dylan was pretty excited to get a cast. We kept teasing him that he was going to get a Hot Pink cast....he refused. I am sure that you all can guess what color he did chose...of course GREEN! As we made the follow up for 2 weeks to get the cast off and new pictures of the elbow...the doc came out and told us that they reviewed the x-rays and determined that the break was worse than they thought...they now think that it involves a bit of the growth plate. We will have the cast on for 6 weeks and then go from there. We go back next week to have it looked at again. So Dylan is trying to learn to write with a long arm cast on and he is having so much fun hitting the cast on EVERYTHING! Brent got his first set of spacers today. Next week they will take those out and put on bands and then put another set of spacers on for another week for the other bands around the back teeth. I am really suprised that he is able to eat so well...well maybe I am not so surprised...HA HA. OK...enough for today. Hope all of you are well!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Student of Month and maybe a broken arm

Hey all. So on Friday, Brent and I could not have been prouder of Dylan. He won Student of the Month for his awesome work at school and improvements made. We took him out for dinner at the place of his choice and then came home. Dylan went outside to play with his friends and returned shortly crying a bit. Dylan decided to show off for one of the girls in his class and got up on the back of a bench and fell off onto his arm. We took him to the ER and the X-ray showed that there was blood in the elbow joint. The radiologist and ER doc stated that meant that there was probably a break somewhere. They put on a fiberglass splint and we are slated to see Orthopedics on Monday morning to find out if he gets a real cast. I will keep you posted. It was an exhausting weekend. Dylan was on Tylenol with Codeine at night and was in pain until today when his arm magically healed or something. We have been working on his birthday party which will be on Friday at Chuck E Cheese's. Yah Hoo. I am glad we didn't go with bowling again! Well for Brent and I, things are well. Brent gets his spacers tomorrow to start his process for braces. He is not very excited, but I think it may help him out in the long run. I am still loving my new job. I am a bit frustrated that I can't do everything because of the baby...but they have been very supportive and keep me busy enough. Well, speaking of which, I have to get to bed so that I can get up in the morning. I hope all is well with everyone. I will try to post tomorrow night after we find out if his arm is really broke or not. Crash Jr is in full swing now!

Friday, March 13, 2009

13 weeks and counting

Sorry it has taken so long to get something posted on here. We have been going to many doctors appts and everything is looking well. We saw the Fetal Maternal Specialist up in Sacramento and he didn't tell us anything that we didn't know already. I am glad to not have to go back there again. I am still being followed by the Urologist and the Hematologist/Oncologist and of course the OB clinic. We saw OB on Wed and the heart beat was heard for the first time and it was around 150 bpm. Pretty cool to hear it for the first time. I have gained one pound in the past month and it seems that I am showing more than I remember with Dylan this early on. Dylan is doing wonderful. We just had our parent-teacher conference last week and he has made leaps and bounds with his reading. He is no longer in the special reading class and is at or beyond his grade level reading. We just have to work on his handwriting...but that will come. We are just so pround of the work he has been doing with his school work. Dylan has been doing really well with his braces. I will get some more pictures of that soon and post them. He has an appointment to get his wires changed next Tues, so we will see if he goes with green bands again or something different! Brent has been really busy with work. He is doing really well and I know the other First Sergeant is extremely thankful for all of his hard work. When Brent is not hard at work, he is hard at work here at home helping with everything! He has been so supportive and understanding with everything. My nausea and exhaustion is getting better, but while it was really bad, he took care of everything...He is truly my best friend and a wonderful man!
On a lighter note...I believe that on Monday I will be starting my new job at the base hospital in interventional radiology! I am so excited to finally be working again and the department seems so happy to be having me come to work there! For now...I best get going. My son has a sleepover tonight and my husband is taking me on a DATE!!!!!!!!! YAH HOOOOOOO. Hope all is well with you all. I will try to keep up with this a bit better now that things are moving along!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Baby's First Pictures

Not real good pics, but you can see the "fetal pole" (baby blob)

Baby again on the bottom pic, a little better than the other one!

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Hello All

Well we finally decided that enough was going on here in Cali that we would try to do this blog thing so it would be a little bit easier to keep up with the happenings. We will do our best to keep up with this...but I know not as good as Cindy does. Maybe she will be able to teach me a thing or two about all of this since she is the "blog master"! I want to thank everyone again for all of your prayers and support, especially over the past few months! Hope to hear from you all once in a while on here! All of our love, Crystal, Brent, Dylan, Baby, and Shadow