Sunday, August 23, 2009

School has Started..YA HOO

Hey everyone. So not a lot has been going on...but here is where we are. The baby and I have made it farther than Dylan and I did. We are now 36weeks and 4 days today! I have been feeling quite a bit more tired...but otherwise pretty good. I am still working full time...although everyone at work treats me with white gloves and baby's me wayyyyyy too much. The baby has dropped quite a bit...but I still hope and think we have a while to go. Next weekend is my baby shower thrown by a girl at work that I am friends with. She has threatened me that I have to wait until that is over to have this baby. I hope he doesn't try to get me into trouble. HA HA.
So this week has been pretty good. Brent is still on First Shirt duty..even though they said he would be done on Wed. They are now saying that this coming Friday is the last day. I sure hope so. He took Thurs and Friday off to site his gun and go hunting for deer. He didn't get anything...but he is also staying close to town...just in case. I think he just needed a break from work and such. Dylan started 3rd grade on Thurs. WOW! Where did the time go? He really seems to like his teacher...she told him to wait a few weeks until he decided. HA HA. I am not very happy that they have 28 students in the class. They have cut the budget so bad here. I guess education is not very important in California. But Dylan's teacher seems to have things under control and we just have to hope and pray that he will get what he needs out of this year!
My favorite thing that we did this week was to go and get family pics done with the baby bump. I wished we would have done it a bit sooner. My face and ankles/feet have really swollen in the past week or two...but I am just glad that we got it done. It was such a beautiful experience and I have to admit...I cried a bit when I saw the pics...but then again...the photographer and one of the other girls there also teared up a bit too! I posted the pics that we had to chose from...Grandparents...we have some in frames coming to you all with the extras in a book. Don't try to download off of here please. We also have a CD and we can get reprints or more prints ordered very easy if we need/want. Siblings...we have some coming for you also...whether you want them or not. HA HA. Anyways...hope you all enjoy them. I am so excited to take the baby back to these people when he comes to have more. They did such a fantastic job! The photographer has already started planning the next pics. Anyways...I best get going. Hope you enjoy the pics and I pray that you all are just as happy and blessed as we feel right now! Love to all

1 comment:

  1. I love, love, love those pictures!!! You all are so beautiful. There is NOTHING prettier than a pregnant woman surrounded by those who love her! I also loved all the pictures of Dylan pushing the lawn mower. Tell him we will pay him $1o to come mow ours!! I love you all so much. Can't wait to meet Jonathan!
