Friday, July 3, 2009

Summer Pics and Happenings

Hey Everyone,
I know it has been a lot longer this time. We are just so busy with work and trying to get out and have fun that I haven't had much time to do this. Sorry for the overload of pics to look at. This is about 2 months of us out wondering around California checking out cool places to visit with you all when you come to visit!
The first of the pics is from Sutter Mill. This is the first place that Gold was discovered in California sparking the "Gold Rush". We went to gold pan and looked around for a while. It was really neat. The next day we decided to go to San Francisco to the Zoo. It was wonderful! It was sooooo cool and the animals were all out! There are some pics of when my wonderful husband finally got the recognition that we all feel he deserves by getting Senior Non-commissioned Officer of the Year! The next pics are when we went to visit Frank and Lynnett and got to go to a Portuguese bull fight. Dylan got hit in the butt by the baby bull and it was soooo funny. He got right back up and went back out. The bull got him again later! That was probably the last time we will see them before their baby is born. Lynnett is due one month before me! Next is Brent getting his Father's Day gifts and then our awesome day at the NASCAR race! Brent got us tickets for free from Big O Tires to sit in their private box with other military families. They gave us money to get souvenirs, catered breakfast and lunch and we saw Tom and Katie! It was the most fantastic day. We got to go to the pits and everything! Finally we went to Bodega Bay last weekend because it was so hot here in the valley. We thought it would be cool. We had a wonderful day...but got FRIED! We stopped on the way home at a winery that had animals and was a beautiful spot.
Not much happening here. Dylan is enjoying being out of school for the summer. Brent is at work most of the time, but has been trading weekends with the other Fist Shirt so that we can take some family time. I still love my job. We have been really busy and I have helping out in the GI Clinic with sedations until they get more nurses! The baby is growing as you can tell by the pictures. I feel HUGE!!! I have a doctor's appt this coming Tues in Oncology and Wednesday in OB/GYN. I am sure all is well. I have been feeling much better...just really tired. The baby is not a fan of letting me sleep at night and I can't wait to get my bladder back! The baby moves all over the place and Dylan giggles when his brother kicks him! He probably won't find it funny in a few months when his brother is here! Well this has been long enough. Thank you to all in OH that prayed for our Niece Presley. She came thru her surgery just wonderfully and back to her spit fire ways! I hope all is well with everyone. Once again...I will try to post more often.....
All of our love to all of you!