Sunday, August 30, 2009

Baby Shower

So we made it to the baby shower. As some as you know...we may be having the baby earlier than expected. The last appt the doctor found out that the baby is not growing properly and there may be something wrong with the umbilical cord. Brent and I am going to go to see a Perinatologist on Monday (tomorrow) to get a second opinion before we allow them to induce me tomorrow afternoon or sometime shortly there after. Thank you for all of your prayers. Keep them coming. It may be a long road ahead of us with the appt and the birth. We pray that the baby is healthy whenever he comes into this world. Anyways...we did make it to the babyshower. It was a great time. We had a good turnout with great friends and we got a lot of really great things. I am going to keep this short. Tomorrow is going to be a really long day and I still have to pack a bag just in case. I have included some pics of the baby shower, the boyz rooms and future razorback shirt that I had from when I was pregnant with Dylan. Please once again...keep the prayers coming. We will let you all know as soon as we know something. Hope all is well with you all. Love, Crystal and the Boyz

1 comment:

  1. I love these pictures and I LOVE Dylan's new room! I just can't wait to meet the baby!! HOpe all goes well!
